Managing Important Relationships
Notes provided by LSU Team
Discussed our role –Gift Officers in Stewardship and others
Who to involve in Ask/gift-preferably 2 people, for clarification and recall after visit
- Preference- The Dean and the Calling Officer; another Staff member who can tell a story of the work or their work at the School; a Volunteer with VetMed –should be strong connection to the School and to the Prospect
What to do after the gift-Thank and keep thanking because many donors feel like they have been put aside after the gift but were top of mind before gave.
- Keep donor aware of any events, Special speakers, new programs or products-let them be in on the inner circle
- Try “Be a Vet student for a Day” to keep it fresh and to show the impact their gift is making; get their story and put on website or in annual report ( w/ their permission )
How to keep Legacy donors Top of mind- Many tools
- Keep a Development Calendar w/ this area as a growing spoke. Memorials – acknowledge everyone! Try thank you’s by sending/ displaying pictures, plagues, notices from paper/Obits-Keep the Planned Giving program on the website,& in any printed materials, recognition Wall in main area of hospital or School
When things go Wrong-support? Remember building relationships, not just raising money.
- Sometimes the messenger has to be changed; go back to the basics. Get some Wins. Always document -some things are salvageable; some things (donors) are not!
Is the University helping (is there a Foundation helping/hindering)?
- Most agreed -Foundation great tool, esp. if have small shop. A Foundation can add to budget’s bottom line w/ support staff and materials, research to training.
- Other s saw Foundation as layered-A lot of “paperwork”, personnel.
- Vet Med clients don’t fit Alumni model -can becomes issue w/metrics and tracking as Clients often not Alums, not in system
Using Students-yes; several schools do; for Open Houses, for brief testimonies at a reception, scholarship lunches
Donor who Dangles the Carrot, no gift yet
- Invite them to do something that shows commitment-Ask them to serve and show up in an Advisory capacity. Develop some urgency about the next ask to them and follow up w/ tight turnaround; obtain peer awareness or matches, create some accountability with visible recognition/Set some expectation
Timelines- the donors vs. the schools
- The donor is our client; we also work for the client (donor) and know him closer than most- If there is an issue gets w/ leadership (confidentially) and readjust metrics.
- “Donor intent” to make a gift w/in their timeline- i.e. the sell of his business ;the donor will make 4 payments vs/ 2…Make certain contact reports have all steps
Staff Changes- Dean to DODs
- Keep sending out positive, growth based information on the School, scholarships, programs
- Invite VIPs to lunch to hear about the transition and/ or from the Leadership leaving; manage the message